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Roads attract priority attention by Mbarara District local government in the budgets.  While the district maintains feeder roads, Sub-county Local Governments are responsible for the community access roads and central Government is responsible for the main trunk roads and major inter districts roads, done by the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA).

We construct, rehabilitate and maintain feeder roads not under the responsibility of the Central Government.  We currently, have a road network of 3,596km of which 507 are district feeder roads and 3,117 are sub-county community access roads. A total of 139.5km of district feeder roads are in good condition. A total of 365km of district roads are under routine manual (labour-based) maintenance by road gangs. There are 142km are under mechanized routine maintenance.

Community access road maintenance is the responsibility of Sub-counties. There are 2,698km of community access roads. Within the district is 135km of bitumen roads and 156km of gravel roads maintained by Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA).

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